Pinterest Growth Report #2: Getting 240k+ views in one month

Image of the thumbnail of a pinterest growth report

If you’ve already read the first Pinterest Growth Report that I have previously shared, you’ll know that I’m on a quest to see how “viable” it is to start a brand new Pinterest account in 2024. If you’ve read the first report that I shared, you’ll know that without pushing myself too much, I managed to get a total of 80k views on Pinterest and around 400 clicks to my website during my first three months on the app. 

I was debating whether or not I should share this report now instead of waiting until the end of the second quarter, but then I decided, why not? So today, I’m sharing with you the exciting growth my account has experienced these past couple of weeks. I’m going to cover several points with you today: 

  • What prompted me to adjust my strategy 
  • The steps that I took to set in place said strategy
  • The results of this period 

So if you’re ready to see how it all unfolded for me, keep reading along! 

Are you new to Pinterest? Do you wish to learn all of the juicy details to get results on the platform? Would you like to ease your work with customizable Pin templates and an effective pinning scheduler? Grab my Pinterest Power Pack to help navigate through this journey right now! I applied all of the tips on there to get the results you see on this growth report as a beginner.

What prompted me to adjust my strategy

Once again, I’ll just take a moment to mention that I am not a beginner when it comes to Pinterest. I’ve managed accounts for myself and for others as well and it was one of my job’s responsibilities to grow those accounts. I even had a time when I was coaching others when it came to this platform. So really, it’s not the first time that I’ve experienced with it.

However, I had wanted to test out my strategies from scratch. Because like I explained it before, it’s very easy to test out strategies and experience growth when you’re already established, but what happens when you start from 0 and have no idea what to do? I wanted to go back to that very same starting point with a brand new account. And I also wanted to share with you guys the results so you’d experience the growth at the same time.

My first three months’ results weren’t that bad considering that I hadn’t devoted as much time as I would’ve ideally wanted to this brand-new account. I was also not targeting specific keywords or sharing posts with intent. In fact, I was simply publishing blog posts that I was in the mood for writing, and I shared a lot of “inspirational” content. If you’re wondering what that is exactly, I’ll explain it in a moment, don’t worry! 

So basically, I wanted to try and experiment some more on the account to see what could work and get me more monthly views, and more importantly: I wanted to post on Pinterest content that would generate traffic to my site.

The steps that I took to set in place said strategy

I had my goal for this period, so all that was left for me was to start implementing it! Once again, since I have multiple projects that take a lot of time, I didn’t want to spend thousands of hours on Pinterest. For this past month, I hadn’t planned to post a lot of times, but I was determined to tackle on topics that were sure to bring me traffic! 

To do that, it meant posting less of the inspirational pins I liked to share. 

Image showing an example of an inspirational pin

What does this actually mean, you ask? Well, these “inspirational” pins are, like their name implies it, pins that are great for inspiring others. If a person is looking for an outfit to recreate, they can look at a pin like the one here and recreate that look with items they already have. That means that they won’t need to specifically click on my pin and my link to be able to “resolve” their problem.

However, let’s take a look at this other pin (that is decently getting traction on Pinterest, by the way!). In this pin for example, there is an intent. A person would be looking for multiple ideas, and the text overlay grabs their attention and tells them “Hey, look at this, I got exactly what you’re looking for!”. That means that people will be more intrigued and could potentially click on my pin then my link to see exactly what are the 30 outfit ideas that I’m sharing.

Image showing an example of a pin that aims to get clicks

Those are the types of topics and pins that I focused on. I thus picked some trends on Pinterest and created content that catered to that audience. I also used Pin formulas that are great to attract the attention (They’re also available for free in my pack!) instead of some of the purely “aesthetically pleasing” pins that I personally have a soft spot for. It doesn’t necessarily mean that cute pins like that are never to be used, but it’s just that some designs are more likely to catch the attention, especially if your goal is to have sales or get some clicks to your site.

The most popular content on my Pinterest account this month

Image showing the most popular pinterest boards of this month

I spoke of making use of Pinterest trends, and I still stand by it. It’s literally the easiest way to find some inspiration on content that will pick up traction on the platform! My blog posts relating to spring and summer got lots of views (I shared nail inspiration as well as color trends for summer and even crockpot recipes) and even the business casual outfits post I made was after I saw the keyword trending on Pinterest.

Image showing the most popular pins of this month

So as you can see, it’s definitely worth it to include this step in your strategy if you want to give a boost to your account! You don’t have to limit yourself to seasonal content since even other keywords are definitely good to explore. Don’t forget that they’re trending on Pinterest for a reason! 

Image showing the pins that got the most outbound clicks

One more thing that I wanted to point out: you’ll sometimes notice that the most “viewed” pins aren’t necessarily the ones that generate most traffic to your site! Indeed, if you take a look at these two screenshots, you’ll see that my post for 30 business casual outfits got a lot more clicks than the Instagram worthy nail ideas post, even though my most viewed pin this month was about that post! This is exactly what I meant by concerning the differences between inspirational and traffic-generating pins. You’ll want to keep these in mind when creating pins, and that all depends on your goals!

What to Conclude from this month on Pinterest

This report is a bit shorter compared to my previous one, and it’s logical since the first was summarizing the entirety of the first quarter! Still, as I said, I had wanted to share this report in advance because I do think that it can help others see how a single month can make a difference! Here are some of the results from May 1st to June 12th: 

Image showing the results of this growth report
  • 242.6k Impressions 
  • 9.08k Engagements
  • 1.1k Outbound clicks 
  • 611 Saves 
  • 187.52k Total audience 
  • 6.88k Engaged audience 
  • 2 Affiliate Sales       

All of these are specific to this period only, I haven’t counted the previous data that I amassed! I’m quite pleased with these results as they are a significant improvement from the first few months! I’m noticing that previous pins are also getting some traction as well, so I cannot wait to see how this account will evolve in the future months. With this, I’ll be wrapping up the report, and hopefully, I will see you next time with even better results. Stay tuned! 

Image of the thumbnail of a pinterest growth report

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